Just had odd convo with woman in printing shop

7 Aug 2004
Hi all, im trying to print a picture from an 8mp canon 350D as large as I can print it, she reckons I can print it easly upto A2 size at 300dpi by simply cropping it in photoshop, i was very hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm about this, whats the largest size I can print to with a 3456 x 2304 300dpi raw shot ? is she just telling me this as to sell me a large print ? i.e. ripping me off?
my 6mp 10D is absolutely fine quality wise at 30"x20". no idea how much dpi that equates to but they look fnatastic none the less.
olv said:
didn't bother to scale it up. photobox just print it large. no idea what they do.

Open it, select the printer they want to print it on, tell it what size of paper they are about to feed it, and then tell Photoshop to "Print to fill Media".

Probably. ;)
Joe T said:
8mp at 30" by 20" is NOT 300 dpi!
You missed the Photoshop Image size bit ;)

A 6mp will produce a print 30"x20" no probs, unless you put your nose up the print then you won't see any pixels :)
I've done excellent 3.2MP shots on A3 print before and they came out outstanding (sales for a client) and that wa soff a sony point and shoot camera.

The 350D and D70 have given me outstanding A2 prints likewise..
Unless I'm wrong (which I usually am) an A2 print with the pixels stated would give you a print at about 144 dpi?

PhotoShop can resample (increase the pixels) for you but increasing resolution does not always give better results and you are sometimes better off working with what you have.

Obviously the lady in the shop was trying to baffle you with Bull****

A photo with pixels of 2000 x 1000 does not have a size, in inches, CMs etc until you, or the software dictate one.

Of course if the original has lots of noise, out of focus etc these could be more noticeable on a large print at a lower resolution. It could be a costly mistake?

You can always try printing a portion of the photo at 144 dpi and see how it goes?
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