Just had to punch a bloke in B&Q

18 Oct 2002
I'm livid. I was leaving the B&Q car park and i'm just about half way over the mini zebra crossing lines they have at about 5mph when this bloke and his wife come bombing out across not even looking. I stop with a blast on the horn as I would have hit the fool. They obviously stop and i carry on. Anyway I glance in the rear view mirror to see this bloke rushing up after my car (i've only moved about 3/4 meter btw), the sod whips his keys out and keys my tailgate!!!

I went ballistic, slammed the the car to a stop flew out the door and punched him in the face till he went to the floor. His wife didnt' even squeek. There were other people about watching and one bloke said to me i'd have done the same what an *******.

Dunno what to do now, I need to get some chill pills. :mad:
fatiain said:
So you didn't give way to a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing and then assaulted him?

Nar, It was safe for me to drive across as no one was waiting. This guy & his wife were almost jogging. They came straight out from behind the cars without even looking :( I was halfway across already btw.
I didn't punch in that hard! Twice, first was a jab then a heavier followup. Then he mostly fell over his own feet really. Wasn't like I kept punching him & punching him all the way to the floor.

TBH though if you had seen the guy (& I don't mean to sound like i'm stereotyping someone because of how they look) but he look like your typical i'm a **** / look at me i'm a hard boy person. His action also agree with this imo.
Quantic said:
Did you notice what he had bought? Nice bit of bolsa wood? Bit of decking? Some plants? Makes all the difference.

Nar he was heading into B&Q as he came out from behind the cars. He certainly was not carrying anything apart from a mobile on one of those stupid neck cord things.
Piggymon said:
Make your mind up......

Punch him to the floor = punch him twice and he's on the floor? I didn't need to punch him anymore as he was already falling backwards. I admit my orig post sounds like I kept punching him constantly all the way down till he was spread eagle on the tarmac.
LordSplodge said:
Great. Tell me where this B&Q is so I can avoid it and you.

They sell tools inside B&Q and that is where the pair of you belong. Him for being and idiot and stepping out onto a crossing without looking and then keying you car and the you for being a complete tool by punching him and thefore commiting GBH or ABH.

Brilliant. The next time somebody acts like a tool infront of me I will solve the problem with violence after all it works...

Yes I'd be ****** if somebody keyed my car but I'd phone the law and use what is called insurance. What if the guy had a heart problem and went down becuase he had had an heart attack?

Violence is the first recourse of the weak-minded.

While the nice side of me agrees with you on this what would you really have done if you were in my position? He certainly was not of the age to be suffering a heart problem.

Got out and asked him to pay for the damage? Put him under civil arrest and phoned the police? I think he'd have laughed if I asked him to pay & dissapeared before police arrived.

This guys lesson learnt today is act like a **** and somebody might just come back at you.
Piggymon said:
Because the FIRST ones says he PUNCHED him UNTIL he fell to the floor and the SECOND one says he only punched him twice and the dude fell because he TRIPPED over his own feet

How the fudge can you say they are the same thing ? :confused:

It's kinda hard to explain this. I'm calming down a lot more now so maybe i'll be able to type stuff down a bit better.

First off I said he 'kinda fell over his own feet' That probably because he was stunned from a jab to the face then reeling backwards from a heavier followup, causing him to loose his balance.

Secondly from the time of the first punch to the time he's on the floor was about 2 seconds. I didn't really have time to think is he falling to the ground of his own accord? Did my punches make him fall to the ground?
I made a diagram of what happened.

This pic shows the point at where I hit the brake and toot my horn. The bloke is ahead of his wife and both are not looking in my direction. They came bombing out into the road faster than i was moving (like I said they were almost jogging)

Mr Joshua said:
What happened after you punched him, did he say anything or did you leave before he had chance?

Nope I left pretty quick. He didn't utter a word & neither did his wife (which would lead me to conclude that even she thought his actions were that of a xxxx) I was gonna crouch down and say something to him but I thought better of it.

As I was walking away a bloke who saw what happened told me he'd have done the same.
Overload said:
What car were you driving at the time of the incident?


BITBOY said:
These pedestrian crossings are far from huge. Either you missed there intentions to cross or they literally threw themselves in front of your vehicle. From whats been posted I'm really not too sure what one occurred?

Its hard to describe, my diagrams as best I can make it to scale, but I did see them before they stepped into the road. At the time I thought I'm on the crossing almost over there's no way they will walk out. Except they just carried on walking so I brake and beep at the same time. If i had kept on moving I doubt I would have seen him dissapear under my wheels more like I would have rolled over his feet.

The way i'm looking at it is you wouldn't step out of a car thats 10feet away doing 30mph & you wouldn't step out infront a car doing 5mph 2 feet away. Especialy without looking. Not to mention my car is pretty much covering all the white zebra markings.
VeNT said:
having only read the first page, I guess we've moved on, but anyway

so you don't give the pedestrian his LEGAL right of way,
he's ****** off at this and keys your car, yes this IS a bad move, but you should have taken his reg number of HIS car and phoned the police.
you then ASSAULT him infront of the store (with people watching) and think that YOU are still in the right?

a) you arse, if your going to deck someone you wait till theres no-one looking
b) you where in the wrong IN THE FIRST INCIDENT. everything after this could be classed as "Agrovated".

I was out in town with my brother and his new baby boy a few days back and as we where crossing at a zebra crossing in town some PLANK like you drove across infront of us AS WE WHERE CROSSING.
people like you should never have been alowed to have a bleeding driving licence, you disgust me.

also, your thread tital says "HAD TO" you didn't HAVE to, you just lack the self control most of the rest of us have in place to stop us doing these things, maybe you should grow up.

a) No choice
b) You should look at my diagram on page 4 then tell me if I was in the wrong
c) :( I was going 5mph so I would be ready to stop. There was no one else waiting to cross. Again see my diagram.

Edit: Just remembered that I actualy forgot something & I need to go back :D
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