Just installed Internet Explorer 7, little niggles!

18 Oct 2002
All my text has gone blury and i dont know how to un-blur the text :(

Is it becuase of my gfx card? I thought most/all new microsoft apps like VISTA will use the GFX card to display what ever is on the screen now?

If it wernt blury this new version of explorer would be excelent!
That's clear type. I like it myself..I Think microsoft has a calibration tool for it.

You can turn it off in internet options -> advanced and then under the multimedia section, I believe..
Ahh thanks :) I missed that clear type setting for some reason before!:confused:

So is everyone allready using ie7, and i the last person to use it?!

Also am i the only one using Windows XP still?!!

Oh and also, everything is sooooo much sharper not using cleartype, dont know how anyone could perferr that over standard view! Ah well, i'll try to calibrate the clear type.
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It does look horrid at first yeah, but after a while it looks awesome. You are using a TFT yeah? it looks funny on CRTs.
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