just installed Magento, says it's >140mb

Thought I was going nuts but I'm not.

I had to change the database password, and I did . . but guess what it didn't work? Doubled checked the config and it's got the new password. After a bit of head scratching and digging around it seems it's got a cache of the config. So I had to the cached config as well.

What an absolute mess, and I've changed the server. Changed it a to a very fast one, and it's still not great. This thing is going to need a dedictated just to run one site!

Don't like it. I like fast loading things. If it's one thing that visitors don't like it's slow loading websites .. seems lethargic.

Or is it me getting too fussy?
I'd always recommend a host with Magento experience if possible, that way the server can be tweaked and configured for Magento's needs by someone that knows what they're doing.

It's a beast of a product mind, Wordpress it is not. I've read from agency's before about a company needing to turnover £1m online before considering Magento as the correct solution for their online needs.
It's a bit ropey to be honest. I installed a plugin to run a slideshow via Magento Connect, looked OK. Clicked the new plugin in the admin panel, and guess what 404 page notfound. It turns out that I have to flush about 5 caches, and then log out and log back in. And then it works.

You're going to need an IT guy sat on this every hour of every day taking care of it.

/ feel like having a moan, sorry. Someone was saying how great it was and how flexible it is, so I had to try it. Got exasperated.
It is flexible and a 'powerful' commerce package but 'performance' certainly wasn't on the spec list during development :p
It's also a PITA to get into and develop for but that's another story all together....
It's superb for the price, but you need to know what you're doing. There's nothing else out there that's roll your own and free that compares to my knowledge, but if you're just starting out and not technical then there's probably a better hosted solution that will work out cheaper for you in the long run.
You should always ask yourself, do you really need Magento in the first place? It's built to cater for everything, so by definition is seriously heavy weight. Needs at least a VPS in my opinion - have tried it on shared hosting and that's simply a no go.

It is flexible if you know what you're doing. If you don't, it's more of a hinderance than anything else.

Personally, I;ve learn the basics so I can update sites and maintain several Magento sites I've inherited, but the amount of questions the admin area alone generates from clients is stupid.

Magento is made for developers by developers, which is fine if you're a developer. Their developers forgot that normal, none technical people would be using the admin area.
This is an interesting thread,we are thinking of a Magento site and as a small company it seems ideal as its free,but the basic install is really slow. We are looking at some themeforest themes and I was interested in whether anyone here has any experience in therse and whether they slow things down any further?
It's SLOWwwwww. Unless you get some decent VDS hosting or a dedicated server. I think Vidahost have a Magento hosting plan with SSD servers and whatever which should be fine but I wouldn't be running it on a common hosting package it's just too slow.

It's so inefficient and bulky that you would need a development team on it. The admin panel is also very complicated. User experience is getting big so it's good to have fast loading sites, and also an admin panel that makes things easy rather than having 1000 menu and sub menu options.

Am sure a lot of people love Magneto but for a lot of my clients they want quick loading sites that are easy to maintain, sorry Magento.
It's SLOWwwwww. Unless you get some decent VDS hosting or a dedicated server. I think Vidahost have a Magento hosting plan with SSD servers and whatever which should be fine but I wouldn't be running it on a common hosting package it's just too slow.

It's so inefficient and bulky that you would need a development team on it. The admin panel is also very complicated. User experience is getting big so it's good to have fast loading sites, and also an admin panel that makes things easy rather than having 1000 menu and sub menu options.

Am sure a lot of people love Magneto but for a lot of my clients they want quick loading sites that are easy to maintain, sorry Magento.

Just to counter this - my experience doesn't match. I've had Magento running an admittedly small shop (<100 items) on shared hosting, and much bigger sites on pretty cheap VPSs. On the subject of speed it's a matter of debugging performance - it will run more than happily on a cheap VPS if you know how to tune performance.

I'd agree if you haven't got a technical background then it's probably not for you.
I can see from a technical perspective that it might be a tour-de-force with all sorts of features under the hood, and that is quite impressive on an intellectual level.

However I have found some better systems for my needs, a lot lighter on their feet.

I was probably a bit strong on criticism on a system that is designed from a technical standpoint.
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