Just lost all my saves in Tomb Raider Legend, anyone have cheats/saves I can use?

24 Jul 2004
Basically i got to quite a while after the first boss type chinese guy, so quite a while through the game (far enough to not want to start again!) and as i was doing a puzzle i fell, and wanted to reload, so i tried to and it took me to the beginning of the game again. So i went out of game again and tried to load my saves again, but none of them were there, not 1.

I've no idea how my computer, or i, managed to delete ALL of the save games and my latest checkpoint, but now they're gone and i'm not too happy as i was really enjoying the game, and as it is i don't have much time to play games.

Does anyone know of any cheats, or have any save games i can use to get me as close as possible to the first boss of the game when i get the first piece of the sword?

And yes my game is legit.

Psymonkee said:
I could just replay that bit of the game for you if you want :)

If you could yes please! (it's just after the bit where you use the first machine gun in the game to make the crank work which in turn makes the traps work)
Psymonkee said:
I'll see what I can do - I have a few jobs to do and then I'll get started :D

Thanks a lot! From a proper gamers point of view i'm probably not very far through the game, but considering it's taken me over a week to get where i am it's just far to far for me to do it all again and i'll end up putting the game down and never playing it again.

Thanks again.
Don't worry about it now, i managed to download a save file a couple of check points before where i was.
Man this game is fun :)

Thanks peeps.
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