Just me ranting, nothing more!

22 Apr 2006
Arms reach from mouse
Hey! Well i havent been a member of these forums for very long, but lurked for a while before hand to get some pointer for my first build... I knew a bit from various sites on what to get and what to do, and when it came to actually building i found i need some more specific help. Pretty much everything i asked you guys was answered with expertise.... just wanted to say thanks (and show off my new baby ;) )

Anyway its not an amazing rig... but is to me. I went from a Pentium Celeron 345 (i think) @ 3.08Ghz, OEM 512 RAM and ATI 9600XT, 160Gb Seagate HD IDE, which scored 382 3D marks and 684 CPU in 3DMark06

To my new rig... AMD64 X2 3800 @ 2.4Ghz, Corsair TWINX XMS RAM 1Gb, ATI X1600XT, Aerocool 450W PSU, WD SATAII 250Gig 16Mb HD which now scores 2107 3D marks and 1782 CPU marks in 3DMark06! Not stunning to most of you by a long shot.... but such a difference! Gonna change the GPU as soon as i can though, probably October time.

Anyway like i said i just wanted to say thanks to all those who have given me some excellent pointers.... one person even sent me a temp sensor for free!!!

Oh... and if i have not bored ya enough with my ranting... heres some pics :D

click me!


Front open

Front closed

Oh... and yes it IS a Casecom case :rolleyes: Never again! lol
A.N.Other said:
Hows the 3800+? Is it stable at 2400 - have you tested it properly with Prime95 and SuperPi etc?

Well its prime stable at 2400 but couldnt get it to 2450 even, lol lack of experience! Havent tried SuperPi as i havent installed it yet, but good temps i think, at 43C max under load, will put some info in your thread so you can add me to your table at some point ;)
MrWhippy said:
but looks like you've sucombed to the perenial upgrader disease. you've just got the build finished and already your talking about which bits you want to upgrade again :)

thanks, and yeah i have... i even knew i had before i'd finished buying all the components lol. tis the way of the overclocker, it is :D

Still do you blame me? i mean the 1600XT is nice, especially compared to my old rig, but not quite the gaming might i want at my fingertips ;)
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