just ordered 800va ups

13 Mar 2010
just ordered the power walker pure sine wave 800va 480w ups
my psu on the pc is 650 but load on a calulator is around 500w
i wont get any backup time on this ups i know but will it still work for surge protection etc? it wont burn out or anything will it?
my electric in this room is being surged when the bath pump in the attic above is being used it makes the pc flicker, it is breaking components in my pc. i want something that is going to regulate the voltage from what i plug in to it and protect against surges, i dont care about more than 5 mins backup time
the problem also could have been because the electric has been on and off a few times in storms and pc had been on at the time
ive now ordered a 1400va 700w apc back ups which should hopefully be fine, my pc ps4 and monitor will be plugged in to it, thanx again

if it says stepped sine wave is my equipment getting that all the time running on normal power from the ups or is it only when the battery kicks in?
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