Just ordered a C4, Anyone had a bad experience with a LG C4 OLED with VRR or Stutter?

20 Oct 2011
I have just ordered a C4 65 inch OLED TV, but I have heard, there can be issues with Playstation 5 Pro and Xbox series x, I do game a lot, my main concerns are VRR judder 120 hz and Stutter, anyone had a bad experience with the C4 models?

Also is the dimming a deal breaker, or have firmware updates improved things since release?
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It seems to be more an issue in games were FPS isn't stable, if you look up on YouTube you'll see examples, you get used too it and most of time it then only becomes noticeable on loading screens etc, I know on my CX too it got improved from updates iirc
Thank you, I shall check on YouTube
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