Just ordered a new iMac!

17 Nov 2002
Well after my macbook pro served me well over the last year, I decided it was time for an upgrade.

I decided go for a 3.06Ghz iMac, 2Gb Ram, 1TB Hard Disk.

I'm really looking forward to experiencing OSX on a larger monitor, fingers crossed it comes bleed and pixel free.

I just have to wait for the 29th July now, and off load the macbook pro.

Well the mac turned up today, and my fears have come to slap me in the face.

I have a dead pixel that I could live with, but there is some nasty backlight bleed on the unit that is pretty off putting on black background such as DVD playback and thats even keeping the contrast low.

Guess it's going to have to go back :(
Unlucky. I assume Apple consider that a good enough reason to replace?

I must be lucky, I must have owned about 15 different LCD's going from TV's to mobile phones and never had a dead/lazy pixel.
I will have to phone them tomorrow.

Even if they don't I have the 14 days with which to return for a refund.

Be interested to hear if anyone else with a Alu 24" has any backlight bleed.
Yeah, Apple will replace a iMac with a single dead pixel. Just ring them up and get it sorted, wont take long at all.

Their customer service is fantastic.
How the best way to test for dead pixel

Search for 'Dead Pixel Checker' and run whatever program pops up. Add 'Mac' to the search if you want it for OS X.

My advice would be not to do it if you're happy with things. Once / If you do find one you'll not be able to take your eyes away from it. It's really annoying.
Search for 'Dead Pixel Checker' and run whatever program pops up. Add 'Mac' to the search if you want it for OS X.

My advice would be not to do it if you're happy with things. Once / If you do find one you'll not be able to take your eyes away from it. It's really annoying.

I would agree that if you are not aware of a dead pixel then, i'd leave it well alone.

Curiosity killed the cat :rolleyes:

I on the other hand have to look, although I had spotted it easily enough as it was dead.

For me the bleeding/clouding was the main issue.

Spoke to Apple this morning and they were very helpful. Said I could get a refund or an exchange. So I have another on it's way delivery for 5 working days, and they will let me keep this one until the replacement turns up.
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