Just ordered a Thermaltake Smart RGB 500w PSU...

18 Apr 2006
wish me luck!

Hopefully won't need it. Did a little background research where I could. Also, had to buy elsewhere as OCUK offerings are very slim pickings for lower wattage PSU (500w-550w). Basically Kolink, a Silverstone Strider and a couple of BeQuiet!

Essentially, the Bequiet Purepower L7 530w that was in there died I think through overheating. Essentially it was bottom mounted with the intake facing the bottom of the case. I had it placed on a PC desk for the kids but I think as the stand was so thin width wise, the legs where hanging over on either side cutting off the air flow causing overheating and it died...hopefully without killing anything else.

So, looked around for something cheapish but not too nasty to run their PC, my old i5 2500k mildly clocked to 3700Mhz with a 1050ti. So, nothing horrendously expensive was required and the 500w will even run my Ryzen 1600 and RX480 so long as I am not too aggressive with overclocking.

Could only find a couple of reviews on it https://www.eteknix.com/thermaltake-power-supply-500w-review/8/ and off a russian site which basically concurred with the finding above. So, for £35, figured it was worth a punt...I can even put some of the savings into a fire extinguisher. ;)

Essentially, the 1050ti needs about 18A and a 350w PSU whilst the RX480 (when it moves across) needs about 25A and 450w PSU. As this seems to provide 35A (420w) on the single 12v rail, I reckon it leaves me some headroom. Voltage regulation was consistent and low, ripple was low on all rails and efficiency at Bronze Plus level despite being only an 80+ rating.

So overall, I think it should last the course and has a 5 year warranty. Will let you know if there is anything wrong though.

However, if it takes everything out and I survive the ensuing fire, it will let me advise the Mrs. that I need a new PC and the kids can have mine.

Win win :D
So far been running two weeks and all the rails seem fine via Hwinfo 64. Boys been playing around with the RGB lighting and enjoying that side of it.

So, at this stage, all seems fine. Overclocked the 2500k to about 4200Mhz and has been stable.

Will try and attach photos but may have to open an imugr account to do so
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