Just ordered Canon A620

15 Nov 2005
I wanted a walkabout camera for trips out with my daughter and for when we goto Ireland. I will also carry it around with me everywhere I go!

Can't wait to get my new toy!!!! :D

£165 for camera
£28 for 1G Card
£19 for 2500Mh Batteries & Charger

Not too bad I thought!
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I'm very happy with it.

Its been mainly used for p&s family days out and the results have been great.

I've not used it for anything serious as I've got a DSLR for that sort of thing.

A highly recommended p&s with a bit of manual as and when required. So far I have taken around 300 shots with it and all have been with P mode which allows me to change ISO, metering, exposure etc and the camera chooses Aperture and Shutter speed.

The software supplied is ok though I just upload to laptop and then use Picassa to crop and upload to photobox.

Good fun camera! My dad has an A95 - almost identical apart from the pixel count - 5MP as opposed to 7.1MP on the A620 and the A620 is a lot quicker at startup.
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