Just quit my career. Life is good

19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
This Friday will be my last ever day as a Games Programmer. I was feeling kind and I handed in my notice today rather than leaving it to the last minute so it's all signed and sealed now. Ten years of my life will shortly become nothing more than a memory, and my earnings will fall off a cliff and probably never make it back up again.

A week today I start an MSc in Molecular Genetics at the University of Leicester.

If only I could find a buyer for my house in Coventry all would be well with the world!
Problem with selling a house in Coventry is that the house is in Coventry :p

Anyway! Welcome to Leicester ;)
Welcome to science.

Do you have any interest in bioinformatics? It's a potentially lucrative area for someone with strong science and programming skills.
Another welcome to Leicester, always interesting to see how many people from around these parts post on here.
What made you decide to go this way?

It is one hell of a move to make. I wish you all the best with your studies. :)
Fantastic stuff!

I get a bit bored of people complaining about their job/career yet doing nothing to change it. I wish you all the best. :)
Very admirable. My cousin recently took redundancy as he didn't want to relocate, managed chemical depots in Scotland/North England, always in the nicest of cars/suits. Now he gets by stress free, driving a tiny car, as a tissue therapist from his home treatment rooms/gym, has an olympic medalist on his books, lecturers part time at universities and has all the time to train and do whatever takes his fancy. Seems so much happier.

Good luck.
Feels good man.

Last December I dropped 10 years of working in various office jobs for a career in engineering in the merchant navy. I'm currently sat in my cabin on a Pure Car Truck Carrying vessel in the port of Sagunto, Spain having travelled from Singapore, through the Suez to Piraeus, Greece and Livorno, Italy.

Nothing better than the feeling of "I'm out of this ****hole and I'm never coming back." :D
Thank you all for your kind words :)

What made you decide to go this way?

I just find living things more interesting than computers I guess. It was the classic thing of turning a hobby into a career: I loved programming when it was something I did in my own time on my own terms, doing it 9-5 it's just kinda of a grind. It's not terrible - I'm good at it, it pays well, and it's not half as hard or horrible as some jobs would be - but I just don't find it satisfying so I decided something new was needed.

What games company did you work for out of interest?

I was (well, am for the next few days) a contractor so I've worked for various people. I'm currently working for Sumo Digital.

and what qualifications did you need for it?

Er, I had an MMath when I got into it but things were different back then.

Nothing better than the feeling of "I'm out of this ****hole and I'm never coming back." :D

It certainly is a weight off my mind :)
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