Just Started WoW!

26 Dec 2004
Just started wow! Eeeeek!

Chose a hunter... Night Elve... is ok i have friends who play it a bit slow to start off been playing 2 hrs or so and i am lvl 7... i like it will be better when i understand it a bit more though.

any tips or tricks advice?

Vicious said:
maybe this will be the first :p

anyway, nice to hear someone else playing wow. what realm are you on?

ps: its elf :p :D

ok :) Exe something?

i dunno my mates told me to sign up to that one as they all play on it so...im a newb :D
Phalanx said:
I dont understand why you guys are saying he's going to say goodbye to his life. Sure WoW is enjoyable but I haven't found it that addicting really. Maybe thats because all WoW seems to offer is the same quest after quest.

But then again, im level 23 so im not that far.

And doing DM is fun but ofcourse you need a team to do that

it hasnt taken my life im on lvl 7 and im done for the night.
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