Just Watched Requiem for a Dream (Big Spoilers)

9 May 2005
Well I watched this on More4 last night and what a film it was, I was reading the most disturbing film thread and remember seeing this one pop up and seen the trailor for the film, so decided to give it a watch.

What a film it is, the directing of the film is amazing, the way he doesnt just show you the self destruction of drug addiction but he actually makes you feel it with them, never in a film have I been that emotionally attached to the characters, I had a few chemical problems of my own not too long back which made me more engaged in the film.

The ending was insane, I found it very uncomfortable to watch, yet at the same time being completly engrossed and finding the need to watch on, the audio was brilliantly used too as it varied from quite pumping stuff while things were going right, to trippy stuff when they were going wrong.

I have to say that this has to be the best directed film I have ever seen with the most believeable characters (all brilliantly acted) and superb story, yet I dont think I want to watch it again. :p

What are your views on this film?
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I just read a couple of reviews of Pi and it looks very good, quite a good soundtrack too by the looks of it, a film depicting insanity with audio from Aphex Twin, sounds good to me. :D There is a double pack for sale of Requiem+Pi which I will have to buy.
Yeah I agree, I think what also made it so believable was the quality of the acting, Take Tyrone for example, after watching Scary Movie and all the other spoof movies you never think hes going to pull off such a role but he does it perfectly.

Its the same for all the other characters too, theres not too many films out where every actor pulls out a brilliant performance but in this film I feel they did just that.
*********PI SPOILERS AHEAD**********

Well I just watched PI as well, it was on C4 last night at 2.45am, what a film it is, its quite a mind bender, I read in the guide that it was shot in black and white which I thought was a little dodgy at first, but after getting just 5 minutes into the film I realised it was a brilliant decision and it just wouldnt have been the same film in colour.

It was a very refreshing film to watch with a amazing techno sound, the episodes where he would flip out and vision things were brilliantly done and well acted, I normally like films that I find entertaining but this film really got me thinking and I quite enjoyed it, I also liked the religous twist near the end which was quite unexpected.

The ending left a few questions which im guessing was the intention by the director as it implied that god was supposed to be mysterious and as max's mentor got to close, he was forced to take a step back (by having a stroke).
I also liked the sum the girl gives him at the end, I thought at first he just decided he wasnt going to work math out anymore but the answer I realised after was the number PI, 3.14r.

Thanks for the recomendation Sic, it was defantly a film that needed seeing.
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