Just watched Shooter Preview - UBER SNIPAGE **Spoilers**



9 Feb 2003
Just back from watching shooter,

OMG the first scene with the sniping is so pro, totally incredible moving target sniping at a distance.

Sorry just had to say that lol,

You'll know what I mean when you watch it as i'm struggling for vocab here.

My mate saw an advert for this and was instantly hooked - just the name of the film was enough to ensnare him!

Will prolly end up going to see this at some point - sounds as though it might be alright - if the beginning is anything to go by :p (not that it would define the rest of the film)
dmpoole said:
This film is excellent.

Glad you agree, the plot does get a bit predictable but if you love sniper movies or have been playing too many games recently then you'll love it !!

Got to bump this - watched this a while ago and considering what else is out I urge people to see this - much better than Spiderman 3...

ps3ud0 :cool:
What is a "sniper movie" exactly?

The only one I can think of is "Enemy at the Gates" with Ed Harris as the sniper :confused:
dmpoole said:
Thats like comparing chalk & cheese.
Indeed - Im just saying for entertainment value if you have no real investment in the Spidey franchise you can do better with your cinema ticket. Spiderman 3 is definitely the weaker of the triology...

Shooters just a great 80s-like action -erm- shooter ;) - leave your brains at the door...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I thought it was great film also.

Its a great no-brainer film, which are nice every once in awhile. I thought the action scenes were great also!
Stiff_Cookie said:
I thought it was great film also.

Its a great no-brainer film, which are nice every once in awhile. I thought the action scenes were great also!

Have to agree. Thought the film was ace.
This film is one of the worst I have seen in a very very long time. How in the world can any of you like it?? The plot is just utter poo, the action ridiculous, some parts blatantly copied from 'Commando' (and it even couldnt live up to that film (which frankly rocks)!). Everything was so unbeliveable but not even that entertaining. How can people continue to watch this predictable crap??
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Chrisp7 said:
This film is one of the worst I have seen in a very very long time. How in the world can any of you like it?? The plot is just utter poo, the action ridiculous, some parts blatantly copied from 'Commando' (and it even couldnt live up to that film!). Everything was so unbeliveable but not even that entertaining. How can people contunue to watch this predictable crap??

Each to their own.
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