K702 vs DT990

23 Jun 2004
I currently have a pair of AKG K702 headphones which I am happy with the sound. Initially I found them uncomfortable but they have now broken in nicely.

My only real issue with them now is that the ear cushions squeak like mad with the slightest movement of my head on the arms of my glasses which is annoying the say the least.

I understand that the Beyerdynamic DT990 has softer ear cushions so was wondering if anyone could share there experience with them and wearing glasses. I also quite like the idea of the additional bass that the DT990 supposedly has over the K702.
Can't say anything about glasses, but DT990 definitely has lot sturdier and less squeaky design than AKG.
I used them five years before now using mainly K712.
AKG can certainly sound like needing some WD-40.
I think the squeak is just the ear cushions against the arms of my glasses. It goes away if I remove my glasses so I'm just wondering if the softer ear cushions of the DT990 with stop this as the cushions on the K702 are quite firm really
I wear glasses with my DT1990's, which use pretty much the same ear cushions and I find them silent.
My AKG K702 creak and squeak like crazy but I don't think it's anything to do with the pads, more with how the headband attaches to the ear cups
I think the squeak is just the ear cushions against the arms of my glasses. It goes away if I remove my glasses so I'm just wondering if the softer ear cushions of the DT990 with stop this as the cushions on the K702 are quite firm really
Glasses might lift pads/cup little to position which causes more noise, but noise source is how cup attaches to headband/headband design.
I wear glasses with my DT1990's, which use pretty much the same ear cushions and I find them silent.
My AKG K702 creak and squeak like crazy but I don't think it's anything to do with the pads, more with how the headband attaches to the ear cups

Off topic, but yup, same issue here with a number of 712's and 702's I have used. Current 712's have them to an extent also and is where the earcups attach to the rest of the frame. I have found slotting in black card around each cup on both sides helps to eliminate it mostly. Not pretty, but with black card, not really visible.

I own both the AKG702's and the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro's since I've just taken delivery of a pair of latter a few weeks ago (I've had the AKG 702's since 2015). I very rarely wear glasses and certainly never when I have headphones on (sorry so can't help a great deal here with the specific question). Both headphone cups will sit over the glasses so I imagine the type of frame and arms on them might also impact whether or not this irritates.

I do think the ear cups are softer on the DT 990's and the foam very slightly less stiff (for want of a better word). Also the velour feels softer which I don't think is just because they are newer. Neither headset particularly has much clamping pressure although it's more on the DT 990's. Interestingly I don't have any squeaking or creaking on my AKG 702's. That said the little elastic strings on the headband looks like they seem to be wearing out a bit. I love the AKG 702's and find the sound on the DT 990's to be different enough to keep hold of both. That said I will be selling my Sennheiser HD 598's as I just don't have a need for these anymore and can't warrant having more than a few headphones around.
Thanks for all the input.

In my case the squeaking is definitely being cause by my glasses and not the headphones themselves as I can reproduce the squeaking sound by simply pressing the arms of my glasses on the ear cushions firms and rubbing them back and forth. Maybe its just something that I will have to learn to live with or try some different ear cushions
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