K750i spazing out!!!

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16 Jan 2003
My 3 button stopped working yesterday so cant really txt anyone, now when I make a phone call my phone keeps ringing loads of 3's so the person on the other end gets a screatching down their ears!

Do you reckon a master resent will resolve this issue? Has it happend to anyone before?

I've tryed the obviuos taking battery out etc just hope a rest will work or the stupid thing is going out the window :mad:
Rednut05 said:
Sounds like it's being pressed in constantly?

That hasn't happened to my nearly year old K750i but the joystick is rubbish to be said.

Yeah my phone just keep randomly dialing the 3 button as if its stuck in but its not and when you press it you can still here the swicth click so its not jammed in or anything

Having a right arse finding some software to run on x64 so I can save all my numbers before master reset
my joystick is completely fubared and doesn't work half the time at all. If i get it repaired to they give me a tempory phone at all? how long does it take?
The K750i will be the last SE phone I get. Mine hasn't got the OPs problem but the joystick is bust, it's as slow as **** and turns itself off with the slightest tap. It's not even that old (replacement) and hasn't been abused.
snow patrol said:
my joystick is completely fubared and doesn't work half the time at all. If i get it repaired to they give me a tempory phone at all? how long does it take?

depends who you're with, Vodafone do and it should take about 4-5 days.
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