Kaiser Chiefs - Yours Truly, Angry Mob

23 Nov 2004
Anyone else bought this album yet? I bought it in my lunch break and i am listening to it now.

So far, it's "Ruby, Ruby Good!"

Really catchy songs, nice guitar solo's and vocals. I think i'm going to grow to love this album. It's not hugely different from their last album, but in many ways i think it is better. I will wait until i have heard it through a few times before i write a proper review for your guys.

So far, i reccomend you buy it!
jackgnic said:
Definitely been contemplating getting this one. I really like the new single, it's catchy, and I enjoyed their last album. I hear this one is supposed to be more mature?

Tracks 1-4 are VERY catchy. Very nice to listen to as i type away at work. I really find their music soothing and uplifting at the same time.
Listened to it a few times today and I'm really liking it! Don't know any song titles off-hand to mention my favourites but it's a great album.
I hate to be a party pooper, and I know you always get the one "This is rubbish" comment, but I'm just not hearing it! All the songs sound the same. Ruby is a nice single but the rest of the album has absolutely no progression from their last one. Perhaps it'll grow on me, but I said that about Bloc Party's new album and I'm still not a fan of that.
I've got the first album, it's nice to see a band who don't take themselves too seriously. :)

I'll have to add this to the "to get" list, along with the album by Damon Alburns new band.
MikeHunt79 said:
I'll have to add this to the "to get" list, along with the album by Damon Alburns new band.

Damn right. The Good, The Bad & The Queen album is awesome.

Not sure what to make of the Kaiser Chief's, i don't hate them, nor do i love them. I nothing them.

Didn't react when i heard the new album was out so i'll probably just wait for my sister or one of my other friends that buy whatever Channel 4 tell them to to buy it and have a listen.

ElvisFan said:
Can't be doing with the Kaiser Chiefs. They just sound like an XTC tribute band.


I mixed XTC around 1978 and XTC hit the stage, all the punks ran down the front and started pogo'ing and within a minute realised that XTC couldn't be danced to.
Exactly the same happened with the original Ultravox with John Foxx.

However, I do like the Kaiser Chiefs and I'm looking forward to listening to the new album.
I like the Kaisers and they were good in the sun @ V festival but that new single really grips my tit, ill listen to the album though to give them a fighting chance
G|mp said:
I like the Kaisers and they were good in the sun @ V festival but that new single really grips my tit, ill listen to the album though to give them a fighting chance
I must admit, I really liked the single when I first heard it, but now it's been spoilt as it's been overplayed on the radio, and am now sick of it. :(
Yup its been Radio 1'ed to death, the sooner the likes of Jo Whiley, Scott Mills and the other tools on that station leave the better

Cant beat Radio 2
Got to echo the comment about Radio 1. Their bloody "Donny Donny Donny Donny" routine has ruined that song for me now and was the final nail in the coffin for me listening to it at work.

Even Chris Moyles was annoying the hell out of me—and I've learnt to be pretty tolerant of his repetitive and crass DJ style—and I found myself telling him to shut the **** up as him and his team shouted "Donny donny donny donny!!!, ahaha haha hhehehe... donny donny donny donny!!" to a caller on the line.

After a few minutes they done it again, just because the caller happened to say that his Mum was from Doncaster, cue: "DONNY DONNY DONNY DONNY!!!" and then again another few seconds later when Chris said he donned his (obvious and painful attempt at a pun) coat this morning when it was raining. Cue: "DONNY DONNY DONNY DONNY!"

You think it's all over when he starts playing his "saviour" music at the end of the show. Until Jo Whiley comes on and has the exact same obsession with Donny Donny Donny Donny.

Listened to the album twice today and its quite good.
A little trick I use to listen to albums is to play the last track first all the way down until the last track I play is the first one (so Ruby was the last track I heard).
I do this because bands normally put all their best tracks at the start so if I begin with the worst ones then the better ones get better (if that makes sense).
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