Kaki King

18 Oct 2002
London Town
Anyone heard of Kaki King?

Just became aware of her today, and quite impressed. Standing just 4'8" tall, plays a mean acoustic guitar and bats for the ladies team to boot. I imagine if you're a fan of acoustic virtuosos like Michael Hedges and Justin King etc., then it might be up your street. While not as clean a player as either of those guys, she seems pretty capable and has an interesting style - especially when you consider girls generally lack any ability to play guitar without looking completely awkward. I've not heard the complete released albums as yet.

Playing a UK debut at The Borderline next week (check out the '"live on David Letterman' video), so potentially a good time to catch her live. I gather the new album is less of the instrumental acoustic, and there's a full band for more song-based tracks; might be a good or bad thing, but the previews sound pretty good. Sort of a cross between Jose Gonzalez and Emiliana Torrini.

Elzar said:
doesn't seem to have a UK release on CD yet.
No there doesn't appear to be a date set for that - problem of being on an indie label. I've got the import on order through Amazon marketplace, a fair bargain at £6. I imagine the Borderline gig may be testing the water for a UK release - will see how it goes.
An excellent gig. I thought there would be a full band, based on her last record, but being a one-off gig she played a solo set. [Was secretly hoping John McEntire (Tortoise) might appear, being that he played on and produced the last record :D]. Had the special vibe of being her debut, which she was evidently quite excited about and has clearly toured enough in the US to be at ease on the stage.

She's certainly got skills. There's one track in which she builds up layers using a sample/delay pedal and a lap steel guitar, looping a beat by tapping the guitar, dropping an octave and adding a bassline etc. -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rri51guAIkU

Her voice is the only weak point. Nice, but just a bit too soft against the harder guitar sounds, and works better when there's a band behind to fill the gaps.

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