Kali Linux

I’m currently going through my Comptia a+, network an security and then going on to do CEH and as I’ve got the money just now I e ordered upgrades for my laptop I was just wanting to get it future ready. I will no doubt find out through my courses in due time what the best way to go about it would be but like It’s just to be ready and maybe get some good advice.
I would say dual boot then. A little more inconvient to reboot to swap os's but at least youl get full resources. VM is always a resource compromise unless youve got a massive server with much cores many memory
Thanks for the info.
I have read that VM takes up a lot of resources like you have to allocate RAM and memory to each one. I’ll go the dual boot way then. do you think my 125gb ssd would be suitable for the dual boot?
Dual boot.

If you want to "really" get involved with Kali then you need wireless functionality, in my travels with virtualbox, whilst it is brilliant, it doesn't pass a wireless chip through as a wireless chip, just ethernet.
128GB may be a bit slim for a Windows AND a Kali install and I'd argue you'd be better to buy a cheap second hand laptop to run Kali on than paying through the nose for a bigger SSD. Kali is debian based so it will run on very minimal resources.
In the next 6 months or so once I have done the presequite courses I will be starting the CEH course which I believe is pretty much based on it so I was just wanting to get ready for it and have a Play around so that I have a rough idea before I start. End game is to become a pen tester/penetration tester after I am fully certified.
My laptop has;
960m 2gb Graphics
128gb m.2 SSD
2tb baracudda HDD
32gb ram
Initially bought for gaming but I will start using for getting through my courses.
So basically if I run from a usb or VB I need to be wired in?
Making dual boot the more logical?
With that spec laptop VM to get used to Kali, the wifi chip is only a point if you want to learn how to do man in middle stuff. You could virtualbox a kali using a small amount of your 2TB drive. a Kali VM would only need 2GB RAM to run on so you'll be fine.
Ok then so I could start with that and see how I get on as a starting point. I do have a higher spec desktop as well I could use if need be just wanted to try on my laptop first for portability
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that Kali is going to make life easy either. It has a lot of stuff preinstalled but you need to know how to use them to get anything decent out of it.
I’m going Into this totally open, once I’ve done my a+,network and security I should have a good idea of what I’m doing but I always listen to advice and like to give every way a shot to see what’s best
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