Kaseya Users

26 Sep 2007
For anyone who uses the Kaseya system and is about to upgrade to 6.3, don't. It's broken beyond belief.

Current issues:
Can't log support tickets via the Kaseya portal or via email. My account manager is aware of this after I bugged him directly, but no fix as of yet.
Monitor sets have disappeared
Certain policies have disappeared
Annoying popup alerts about the new functions (Keep popping up everytime the network count drops, which it will do continuously if you're running the new Network Discovery)
I haven't even got round to checking the rest of the system yet, but I expect this list will grow quite quickly.

I'd have seriously expected them to pick some of these things up in Beta testing (especially the ticket issue!) and supposedly some of the testers themselves (members of the public) have stated that this release was not ready, yet Kaseya have started pushing it out anyways. Unfortunately as a VSA customer, we don't have a choice in what version we get, so I thought the least I could do would be to warn others.
Too late for us unfortunately. We've made the jump and it's been terrible! Issue after issue after issue.

The main one for us at the moment is that the 6.3.05 agent is causing some servers to grind to a halt due to the monitoring that's being applied... Only by disabling the agent does the server respond once more.

6.2 was amazing, I'm sure 6.3 will eventually be that way as well, but it has a long way to go with all of these issues. The downtime our Kaseya team has put our support team through is terrible since we upgraded over Christmas.
Some of the major issues were supposedly limited to our cloud server, now that the hotfixes have been applied I'm coming across a load more bugs. Surely Beta should have picked these up? It's not exactly if I'm doing really obscure things, I'm only deleting/editing/adding Event Log alerts in my policies!
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