Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 blocking internet.

1 Aug 2005

Have just upgraded to Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 from the previous version and I also had the same problem with that.

I found I couldn't access the internet anymore with it installed. I found out that I needed to uncheck "Operate According To Recommended Settings" when installing and "Enable Real-Time Protection".

So after disabling these, the internet worked for me and I lived happily ever after.

But now upgrading I can't find these settings and so am in stuck.

So any ideas on the fix. Can't personally find on the net.

Did you ever have internet problems? I'm on NTL 1meg and Kaspersky has always taken my connection out. MSN, Firefox etc... can't gain access. Well nothing can even when its disabled.

Any ideas?
Nope. As I said above I used to be able to disable some settings and I was away but never quite knew why it then worked.

Whats a good alternative. Had Nod and didn't thinm much of it.
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