I prefer GNOME, it's less cluttered and smoother for my liking. However KDE has the better range of apps and the GNOME team have started removing specific options in favour of cleaner preference windows - which can be annoying (XChat and XChat-GNOME is the best example). If this keeps up then I may jump to KDE...

But KDE vs GNOME is a very passionate subject among Linux users. Use whatever suits your needs best.
It took me a long time to settle on which of these two I prefer, and it's Gnome.

Both are excellent though. Just try both and see what feels right.
Gnome all the way :D
KDE really annoys me, in that I can't resize the taskbar down to a single row (Due to the clock), & the single 'K' (Start) menu with categories- I love the multiple menus available to play with in Gnome.

KDE is better for rehabilitating Windows users, but Gnome rocks!

Personally, I much prefer Gnome. Very nice desktop environment and quite simple with a decent selection of applications (GAIM, Nautilus etc). KDE does have some excellent applications itself though (Amarok for example) and I have seen some very nice KDE screenshots which I've not quite managed to replicate.

Recently I've been using Gnome with XGL and I'm very impressed :)

KDE is probably a lot more advance than GNOME (it already implements real transparency in its windows, experimental of course, and is extremely customisable). End of the day I prefer a clean simple desktop with a good balance of applications but am still looking forward to trying out KDE 4 when it's released :)
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I used to use KDE in the house and at uni. But it reminded me too much of Windows (the K menu especially). But I've also heard good things recently about KDE, even the chief himself (Linus Torvalds) prefers KDE over GNOME (can't remember source but it's pretty well known). However I may give a few others a bit of a try such as XFCE, Fluxbox, E17, etc because I probably wouldn't jump ship until KDE 4
*really* can't stand KDE, no real reason, just didn't feel right. i really liked XFCE but there were 1 or 2 little niggles that weren't worth sacrificing for, but gnome does me nicely :)
My main box uses XFCE, which I love. I have another box using Ubuntu with Gnome, and I plan to also install Suse on it so I will also have KDE.

I'm not too fussy!
I love fluxbox, but then again I pretty much do everything in terms... Both KDE and Gnome feel too bloated for me. I think if I had to pick between the two I would choose KDE.
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I've been meaning to have a look at Fluxbox / XFCE for my laptop. It's a p3 800mhz with 640 MB ram and it's running Ubuntu with GNOME. It's fine but is a tad sluggish. Any other lightweight WM I should also look at? Also how did anyone who used a lightweight WM find it in comparision to GNOME / KDE?

There's loads in the *box series, and they are pretty similar. Only X windows app I realy run is a web browser.. The menu system is fluxbox is great, however you might miss having a taskbar, instead you get a slit :-)
I quite like both. :P


good = looks, software and easy to use
bad = bugs

good = looks and stability
bad = not much customization options compared to KDE
Most people who've posted in this thread so far seem to prefer Gnome over KDE. I thought it might be interesting to point out that KDE got over 60% of votes in it's 'Desktop Environment of the Year' category and Gnome just over 25% in Linux Question's annual poll.

See here and here :)
I'm a lifetime Gnome user, KDE really bugs me by prefixing every package name with a K.. I think my allegiance is based on something as simple as that ;)
riddlermarc said:
I'm a lifetime Gnome user, KDE really bugs me by prefixing every package name with a K.. I think my allegiance is based on something as simple as that ;)

lol - that's not just KDE. Gnome has has a few including Gaim, gFTP and Grip. Then there's the latest Enlightenment with engage, ephoto, eclair and a load of other stuff.

*waits for the DE that beigins with 'Qu'* ;)
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