Keep Me Occupied For A Few Weeks

25 Oct 2005
Hey guys,

As some of you know, my X1800XT is out of action and I am having to rely on an X300SE until I get hold of a replacement X1800XT or X1900XT. The thing is, this graphics card is absolutely pants and I cannot for the life of me find decent games that play well on it.

It plays Half Life 2 and Counter Strike: Source but only in like 800x600 if I want decent detail and framerate, and it naturally plays Uplink: Hacker Elite just fine as it's a 2D game. Anyone know any other games (preferably ones that will run in a window) that will run okay on this graphics card to make the wait less painful?

Thanks in advance. :)

Sincerely yours,
This particular one isn't IGP, it's a cheap-o PCI-E replacement for my X1800XT until I get a new one sorted out. :) Thanks for the suggestions you guys.

I wonder how Max Payne would play on it. :confused:
PinkFloyd said:
Fear. oops wrong thread :D
Hissss. What's worse is my F.E.A.R. DVD is right next to me and I know I can't play it. :mad:

Thanks a lot for the suggestions though guys, keep them coming. :) Going to install Rollercoaster Tycoon right now. :D
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Scythe said:
Beach Life. Its like a sim where you make your own holiday resort. It's funny to see the guests try to swim back to shore from sharks and get eaten. As well as putting the beer strength up to max and watch them fight everywhere.
ROFLMFAO, I am definitely trying that.

And Yewen, don't even dare tempt me with WoW. I am looking for an MMO as it happens. :p
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Yewen said:
You can get a 10 day trial for WOW from fileplanet. ;)

Go on, play with me and my mates on Haomarush, its a right laugh. Game is boring as hell on your own I find, but attacking a horde village en mass in your underwear goes down as one of my top gaming moments. :D

You can see how seriously I take it! :D
You've twisted my arm by mentioning it's free, I'll download it and have a look. :p
eXSBass said:
Funny, but not exactly helpful.

So far I have ticked off Rollercoaster Tycoon, Total Annihilation, Starcraft, Max Payne and the World Of Warcraft 10-day trial. Still looking for more. :) Genre doesn't really matter, but I am not into sport or racing games.
Crap, how could I forget Jedi Academy? :eek: I have a copy around here somewhere, so no worries mate. Thanks for the offer though.
I downloaded the World Of Warcraft free trial (2.8GB compressed) only to find that the trial has ended and that I cannot get a key, d'oh! :o
R34P3R said:
Probably a good thing, you would either be hooked and lose a portion of your life to the game OR end up really bored with it and get annoyed for wasting your time downloading and playing it.
LOL, if my existing pattern of behaviour is anything to go by then you're more than likely correct. :eek:

silversurfer said:
Consider it a lucky escape :p I would only do wow if I was under house arrest for 5 years :D
Seriously though, I thought the free trial thing was indefinate try their customer support
I have a lot of time to kill lately, it's the only reason I was even bothering. :p Everything I can find says the trial is over anyway, so feh to it.
I don't know the rules for playing poker, malc, but I'll consider reading up and giving it a go. :) My brother is well into online poker on play money tables, he seems to really love it.
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