Keeping in touch

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Is anyone else absolutely rubbish at keeping in touch? Was chatting to Saitrix earlier and I realised how many school and university buddies I've lost touch with and it's all my fault :eek:

Then I went through my email address book and there are soooo many people I haven't chatted to for ages. So I've spent the evening typing emails to everyone while the g/f is out.

Don't make the same mistake as me - keep in touch.
I know exactly what you mean, the older you get the harder it is to keep on keeping in touch with people and i feel bad for that as I miss people. Also miss the old days.

Also Johnny69, we have lost touch, remember you owe me £250 from about 3 yrs ago, if you could let me have it back please. ;)

Aye I miss the old days too. Some great times had and I really don't know how me and my mates got away with a lot of it ;)
Jonny69 said:
Is anyone else absolutely rubbish at keeping in touch? Was chatting to Saitrix earlier and I realised how many school and university buddies I've lost touch with and it's all my fault :eek:
I lost touch with nearly all the people I hung around with at school when I went to college. I was the only one doing this course from my area so I didn't really hang around with people I knew in college outside of college. I suppose it's just the way it goes as you get older you make other friends.
i done the same and realised it a couple of months ago. its a shame they're all spread over the country :(

Yup, I'm terrible at it.
I've got a very good friend that I've had for about 15 years now, since we both went to Uni we just phone about 3-4 times a year and see each other once, maybe twice. We're both terrible at keeping in touch but at least when we do get chatting, it's like no time has passed at all. :)
I'm crap at keeping in touch, as are most of my established mates :D

It's better if you're all crap, otherwise people moan that it's your turn to call them & stuff, I couldn't be doing with that :p
I'm better than others at keeping in touch with ppl from college from 5 years ago. Me and the guys meet up at least once a week during hols.
I only keep in touch with people who I want to see in the future, and people who will put me up when I am visiting their area/country :p
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