Keeway RKV 125cc

21 Jun 2012
birmingham uk
Just asking about thoughts on the Keeway RKV 125cc if anyone knows about this bike because reviews are hard to come by but they look good peform well and apparently last. Thank you for any advice.
Well the issue i have is yes they are cheaper 1800 but for keeways the quality of build is better and yhe reviews which i have seen have been good two of my friends own keeway bikes and dont have any issues i would like to know if there are any real horror stories with these bikes.
The only problem is my amount of outlay is £700 but if i was to go for the keeway for instance the first outlay is £500 equipment insurance all in then pay interest free finance thats why i was looking at that i just dont have a large amount of cash to start out with.
I have chose this bike over the cbf because of certain issues but not regretting it so far very nice to ride compairing to aprilia rs125 and honda cbf this us 1000 times better only issue is going to be reliability so far so good for petrol its great put is £10 7litres and i have done 123 miles and only used half of what i put in its got a 17 litre tank if i have any issues will post apart from the one issue is servicing intervals are very close together will get details on that from dealer and see other post for comments
I've got a Keeway RKV 125 for 2 weeks and my hungarian User Manual is very poor (for example it doesn't give any information about rear shock absorber's adjustment and about valve clearance, etc...).
Is it true that english UM contains these things?
Thank You!

I will take a look and get back to you, i will scan and post pics of the english um if that helps, Update still very happy with the rkv, no issues 912miles using daily basis 18miles to work and back and going out with friends, would recommend, if i have any issues i will post again but so far so good.
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