Kemik does StrongLifts - with targets

7 Nov 2005
Hi guys,

Following on from this thread I'm attempting the StrongLifts routine between today and Christmas.

Current stats
Weight: 65kg
Age: 25
Body type: Slim, 5ft 10
No idea on PB's but I think the most I've ever squatted is about 60kg and that was near the end of my Tough Mudder training last year, so you can imagine me as your average skinny bloke.

Goals (5x5) - by Xmas (17 weeks)
Starting 1st September, gym 2-3 times a week minimum.
Squat: 100kg - 90kg likely but target remains (motivation!)
Bench: 60kg
Row (Pendlay): 65kg
Overhead press: 45kg
Deadlift: 110kg

My main weakness will be my knees so I'll be adding flexibility workouts on rest days. I also have a history of passing out with HIIT workouts haha. Will be monitoring food and drink to make sure I'm hydrated and take it easy. Think its down to iron but doctors have checked my vitals and said everything is normal.
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Done my first session today after starting on/off a few weeks ago.

Squat: 40kg - went fine. Need to watch my form and will be checking more videos.
Bench Press: 27.5kg - easy enough.
Barbell Row (Pendlay): 37.5kg - felt it in my lower back. Finding form difficult on this one so will check more videos.

On a side note, I actually got laughed at by two middle aged blokes who I let share the squat rack for only doing 5 squats a set on 35kg last week. Annoying at best even after I explained the routine. They weren't even big blokes.

Come now, let's get to 100kg squats together (#nohomo). I also expect you to smash bench and DL targets :)

Sounds like a plan! That bench target is crazy for me (see my weight) but up for the challenge with a little help from a ton of decent food a day!
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On a side note, I actually got laughed at by two middle aged blokes who I let share the squat rack for only doing 5 squats a set on 35kg last week. Annoying at best even after I explained the routine. They weren't even big blokes.

Do they even lift? Sound like arrogant and unhelpful losers to me - ignore them

That bench target is crazy for me (see my weight) but up for the challenge with a little help from a ton of decent food a day!

Positive mental attitude and all that. Plus eating is fun :)
You should film yourself for form. I thought my form was fine until I filmed and even after 2 years I'm still tinkering :)
I don't really envisage posting after every training session, probably more like once a week or where I am struggling, but last night's was starting to get a bit harder. I just about completed the OHP on the last rep of the last set. What happened to beginner easy gains? :p Rests might need to be increased from 45 seconds between sets.

Squat: 42.5kg - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (felt recovery pain initially, will do more warm up. Might be because I'm pushing my knees out having tweaked form so the back of my legs are starting to feel it more)
OHP: 27.5kg - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (struggled)
Deadlift: 55kg - 5 (easy enough)
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I would keep up the log, if only to look back in 3 months and see your improvements! Also is useful to go back through and see any recurring form comments.

OHP is a seductive but cruel mistress - make sure you are pushing it behind your head once it passes your forehead
Hi guys,

I got to the gym and was on target on Friday but unfortunately my gf lost her mum on Monday afternoon so I won't be attending the gym while I support her.

I won't ask for the thread to be closed as I do aim to continue this at some point later this year.
We'll let you off, dude. :)

Really sorry to hear this, but I and I'm sure the rest of the forum wish you and her well.

Stay strong...
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Got back in the gym last night. Should be able to attend twice this week and twice next week. After that I might have more time to get back to three times a week.

Squat: 47.5kg (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) - Think I might struggle when I get into the early 50kg's for the later sets but will power through.
OHP: 30kg (5, 5, 5, 4, 2) - First failure! Wow, these are hard! I had to push myself on the third set and just couldn't hit the 5th rep on that 4th. Expected this to be hard based on your feedback though. Might have rushed the rest between sets (1 min rather than 2) as the gym as busy. No excuses though ha.
Deadlift: 60kg (5)
Good stuff.

Yep OHP is tough - its the compound that uses a relatively smaller group of muscles compared to squats etc, and so its really hard to grind out the last reps and add weight.

I'm currently doing 2 sets of 8 and then adding minsicule weight progression so that I can keep doing 8 reps x 2 sets - I've bought some fractional weight plates to help. Jumping 2.5kg/ 5kg steps just doesn't work for shoulders in my experience.
targets do look realistic bar OHP.. :)

you should have no problems smashing the deadlift, squat will be harder if you do it properly(low enough etc)
Squat: 50kg (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) - Starting to get difficult. Doing more warm up sets to fight through recovery pain.
Bench Press: 32.5kg (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) - Easy enough
Barbell Row: 42.5kg (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) - Watching form. It's difficult knowing how much to bend legs, making sure back is straight, etc, etc.

I'm currently doing 2 sets of 8 and then adding minsicule weight progression so that I can keep doing 8 reps x 2 sets - I've bought some fractional weight plates to help. Jumping 2.5kg/ 5kg steps just doesn't work for shoulders in my experience.

They do 1.25kg plates at my gym but that's the smallest they go down to unfortunately. See how it goes. I currently get access to a newly refurbished gym with work otherwise I would have probably invested in my own equipment.
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Squat: 52.5kg (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) - Buurrrnnnn!
Overhead Press: 30kg (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) - Pure determination helped me break through the wall from last time. Tempted to do 30kg again instead of upping to 32.5kg.
Deadlift: 65kg (5) - Heavy.

Will be at the gym again tomorrow night then hopefully back on three times a week. Not sure my legs will agree with that though. Squats are starting to become a killer! ha.
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