Kemik tries StrongLifts - with targets

7 Nov 2005
Hi guys,

Right, I've decided to put my backside in gear and commit to a strength training routine. I wanted something simple but well rounded to make it easier to commit to. Having tried it for two weeks, StrongLifts seems to be the answer.

Current stats
Weight: approx 65kg (TBC)
Age: 25
Body type: Slim, 5ft 10
No idea on PB's but I think the most I've ever squatted is about 60kg and that was near the end of my Tough Mudder training last year, so you can imagine me as your average skinny bloke.

Goals (5x5) - by Xmas (17 weeks)
Starting 1st September (my birthday next week with family down), gym 2-3 times a week minimum.
Squat: 100kg
Bench: 60kg
Row: 70kg
Overhead press: 55kg
Deadlift: 110kg

What do you guys think of those goals? Achievable? I was going to do two sets of goals but don't think that'll push me as much. My weakness will be an imbalance in my knees...

The goals allow for 2 weeks off, hitting the recommended SL weight increases 75% of the time. I have a feeling the bulk of that will be in the first 10 weeks. So if I went 3 times a week for the full period it gives me more room. It would be niave to think I will do that though.

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Thanks for the comments so far guys.

If you have "imbalances in your knees," you should have a look at icecold's mobility thread.

Also, start a log, post videos of what you're doing (if you think you'd like some help).

Will do! I'm using the app so it should be easier to track but will post a weekly update in the training log section (only just noticed that) as a reply to this thread.

The knees are caused by the way I put my weight into my hips according to my physio. I've got exercises to do to try to equalise it but will incorporate some of the mobility exercises too as a warm up rather than empty bars.

In my opinion, Bench and Row are the wrong way round, and the OHP is completely out of relation.

Keeping the deads the same, I'd expect it to be more like:

Squat: 90kg
Bench: 70kg
Row: 60kg
Overhead press: 45kg
Deadlift: 110kg

The weights are just based off the SL starting weights, added up with allowance for not hitting the target all sessions, but I do agree that I think the row will be harder than the bench to hit. I really need to watch my form on the row. I find dumbell rows much better form than barbell.

I will revise the targets based on feedback in a few days time. Really want to hit that magic 100kg for squats but it will be really difficult.
Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming!

It generally seems to be that some of the 5x5 targets, especially OHP is too high. How about?

Squat: 100kg - 90kg likely but target remains (motivation!)
Bench: 60kg
Row: 65kg
Overhead press: 45 or 50kg from 55kg?
Deadlift: 110kg

A few of you have also referenced my current body weight, I would obviously expect this to increase as I gain muscle and will be assisting with this by upping my calorie intake.

How old are you btw? And do start a log - it's to keep yourself on track, noting how each lift went (form etc) and it's also nice to share the experience with others
I'm 25 and 5ft 10. Definitely agree on the food. I will be adding another meal as I normally get hungry at around 3pm and don't think my normal banana is enough.

Starting weights for the 5x5 from 1st Sept
As mentioned, I started at the recommended basics two weeks ago. I've not had any problems so far (they were embarrassingly light) and as per the programme, I will be continuing at:
Squat: 40kg
Bench Press: 27.5kg
Barbell Row: 37.5kg
OHP: 27.5kg (assuming I hit 25kg tomorrow night)
Deadlift: 55kg (assuming I hit 50kg tomorrow night)
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