kerbed me alloy!

31 Oct 2004
feel like a right ****! went to park on a busy street, and .....CCCRRRUUUNNNCCCHHHH

not dented at least but substantially scratched, too dark for pics but will tomorrow, what can i do? do halfrauds do some kind of alloy repair kit? or will it have to be a refurb? how much do these cost? its only the one alloy (front offside)

guess i just need to be more careful :(
Rotty said:
rub down with wet and dry
polish with autosol and the spray lacquer

would you be able to elaborate a bit more? what sort of grit? sand it wet or dry?

as you can tell i have no knowledge on how to even remotely do this, perhaps a mini guide to repairing scratched alloys? :)
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