Kernel boot screen on startup?!



30 Oct 2006
Worcestershire, UK
Completely separate to my other post, I have got the following twice now when booting from powered off.
If I hold power until then try again it seems OK.

Any ideas?
Could it be because I switch the keyboard on and off when not in use and it detects a key press when I first switch it on?

Well it says the reason at the bottom of the text;

Singleuser boot.... you've booted into single user mode rather than straight to gui; have you changed anything in your boot plist?

This isn't a Hack is it? if so then this thread is going byebye....
No, definitely not a hack! It's a 2 year old 27" imac with a genuine install of Mountain Lion. Other than what I mentioned with the keyboard I have not changed anything recently that I know of either.

Least I understand what it is dong now so I'll have a bit more of search.
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Change the keyboard back if you've not tried it already, might be a slightly stuck key or its not plugged in all the way. I think you have to hold down the s key to boot into single user mode normally.
SU mode is just the terminal interface with absolutely no GUI, so nothing to be overly worried about.
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