
20 Sep 2009
Anyone here done the keto diet? :) Overview for the curious here

inb4 atkins rar rar etc etc.

It's been amazing for me. Cutting out all the completely unnecessary carbs and just eating 95% fat and protein has lead to quick weight loss, more energy, and decreased that horrible 'bloat' feel you can get.

I've just finished my delicious keto dinner which looked something (exactly!) like this:


And I still lose weight! Just me? :o
can't say i've heard of it, but after reading the link, it seems like reasonable alternative to the atkins, weightwatchers etc etc, and if it works for you then keep at it!

out of curiosity how much weight have you lost over how long?

4.5 stone since 2011... So it sure works :P

Aren't you supposed to eat fibrous vegetables for your few carbs on diets like these, not just have bacon, cheese and eggs?

You are, this is just an example of what I had this evening. I regularly eat spinach (with full fat cream cheese and double cream, naturally :D) :)

I've been on it for the past 4 months now, it's working well for me and means I don't have to eat boring food, though I do get cravings for burgers and sugar :p

Oh I get cravings too, usually on Saturday nights... For Domino's followed by Ben & Jerry's :P But manage to resist!
Go on OP, give us your calorie and macro breakdown from before and after starting keto.

Ok! Before.. The thought of kcals didn't... Affect my consumption. I saw it, and I knew how awful it was, but it wasn't enough to stop me eating it. There wasn't really a limit previously..

Now: keto doesn't require a limit really.. Eating lots of fat fills you up quickly, so I don't need to eat lots. Still, I try to stick to under 1800kcal/day. Macros breakdown to roughly <5% carbs, 65% fat and 30% protein.

Those photos about look amazing... Thanks!
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The restrictive kcals have only been recently. I choose to do keto as it prevents cravings. If I eat sugar, I just want more and more. If I stick with this, I don't get those cravings :)
I follow a similar diet but give in to my cravings at the weekend....

CKD Diet

Coupled with training during the week = Win.

Looked into CKD, but giving in and having cheat meals/days don't go well for me... I give in for a meal.. Then a day... Then 'Oh, just this week'.. A month later and I'm fighting to get back on it. I go cold turkey or fail :(

My issue is, everyone is so obsessed with losing weight they forget the fact you must have a balanced diet with all the requisite nutrients and minerals in order to remain healthy.

Eat less carbs and more protein is great for the sedentary lifestyle, but if you're not eating any fruit or vegetables on top of it you're not doing yourself any favours.

What do you mean by balanced diet though? The typical food pyramid that has been hammered into our brains over the last few decades, based on a base of carbs, isn't the way to eat.

Fat doesn't make people fat, as my diet proves.. Carbs, and the excessive eating due to erratic blood sugar and cravings (amongst other things) is more of a suspect, and Sweden have just decided how true this is! Let's hope more sense comes out soon.

Recent article on the front page of the Daily Express
Except carbs don't make you fat either...

Carbs don't make you fat.
Fat doesn't make you fat.
Protein doesn't make you fat.

Eat an excess of calories above your total energy expenditure (the total amount of calories your body requires to maintain the same weight taking into account all activity, brain function, etc.) and you gain weight.

There is no magic nutrient that does any of this.

Eat lower than your TEE and you lose weight, regardless of what the makeup of your macro nutrient profile in your daily diet is.

As for eliminating an entire macro... it's not the most sensible way to diet. A balanced diet, and lower in all area's is much more beneficial.

I don't dispute that at all, but it's proven that body fat (as opposed to muscle, etc) is lost faster when on a ketogenic diet than a regular calorie restricted diet.

I have no doubt it's down to keto AND a calorie deficit, but either way, there's no denying a 63lb loss ;)
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