Kevin Space Invader

The good thing about being an older gentleman, unless you have a passion for unsuitably young women, is women of a similar age are far less precocious about an unwanted advance, and know the etiquette of a firm but polite rebuff without calling the rozzers. I saw a very clumsy, somewhat drunken advance made on a lovely lady the other evening, she dealt with it with grace and style, with no humiliation or malice proffered. I then jumped in to show how it should be done.... :)

And got similarly rebuffed :(

Let me guess, down your local pub? Where every topic in GD seems to happen in front of you.
I am not that familiar with Denmark, save what I read about its grandiose carbon neutral "Green" ambitions and its rising ethnicity, but surely men chat up women in Danish pubs? Or are they also going gender neutral too? A proper English pub is a great place to see all factions of human interaction taking place, just as are many internet chat forums but with real flesh and blood people, not someone hiding behind a screen name of a schedule 1 hallucinatory drug :)

The fact you think I reside in Denmark is hilarious enough but everyone here knows most of your anecdotes from the pub are completely made up to suit the narrative of the thread.
First of all... Innocent until proven guilty.

And secondly. I've just read that he's had an award taken away from him. I'm sorry but he hasn't all of a sudden become a terrible actor - still great in my eyes!

It's a shame he's being stripped of these things without any evidence or trial but I can't say I'm surprised, Lance Armstrong was still a terrific athlete and never actually failed a drugs test as far as I'm aware but went on to lose nearly everything. Once you get a label it's difficult to ever get away from it, and I'm guilty of exercising those thoughts on people too.
we don't know that he was given he was a drugs cheat, maybe he'd not have won so many events etc.. he'd presumably have still been competing internationally but aside from that we don't know

That wasn’t really my point, more that as soon as allegations are made you’re tainted, most of the others alongside Lance in the top 20 have times that align with doping but because they aren’t the figurehead of the sport he was they’ve avoided the mass public outrage.
i don't have to ask. someone who spoke up about this stuff at the time despite those issues would be far more worthy of a "POTY" than people who waited until years later and it was "more acceptable" to speak up, resulting in lots more people suffering in the mean time.

That's a strange and simplistic view on all of this, to be honest, can you not think back to a time in your life where you've known something was wrong but didn't speak up right there and then as it may have had a negative impact on your image, career or wellbeing? Now magnify that somewhat and realise that not everyone can simply just speak out and it'll go swimmingly, times were different back in some of these reported cases and power and wealth were and still are a very real means of keeping people down.
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