Kevin Webster not a paedo

8 Mar 2007
You have to remember Burnsy is a copper. The basic mentality therefore is everyone we arrest is guilty and anyone that is subsequently found 'Not Guilty' must have just had a good lawyer.

In his mind, the police don't make mistakes, only juries do.
8 Mar 2007
Plausibility i would guess.

As you are hardly likely to see her accuse brad pitt are you, and claim he flew over every few weeks to abuse her. Le Vell was probably a local man to her, and well know around the area. So a easy target and believable at the same time.

I would suggest the girl (and more crucially her mother) were known to Le Vell. If there wasn't a known relationship between him and the girl and her family it would never have got to court given he supposedly systematically abused her from the age of 9 to 16. I don't think just living in the same area as her would suffice.

So, if she was in Le Vell's circle of friends it is feasible that the mother saw the media scandals going on with other celebrities and saw an opportunity. Probably convinced her materialistic 17 year old daughter they could get a few quid by blackmailing him but he refused to bite. So to prove they were serious, they took it to the police claiming to Le Vell they'd drop the charges if he paid up, which he didn't and by then it was too late to pull out of the 'plan'.

Pure speculation granted, but I'm not saying what I think happened but rather offering a possible answer to the "why would she do it if he was innocent" question.
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