Kevlar jeans?

4 May 2011
So my leather trousers are on the way out (The zips have gone at the base of both legs) and with summer approaching, I am considering getting kevlar jeans instead. I have been looking at the Australian Bikers Gear jeans and they look like good value - but the question is, do they offer sufficient protection?

I realise that no jeans are going to be as good as a set of leathers, but are they good enough? The way I figure it, if you hit something, it makes little difference how thick your trousers are - my concern is if I were to drop it on a straight and go sliding down the tarmac. I'm only on a 125 and I'm a big guy, so it tops at 60, not that I often have it up to that speed. If my bike and I were to part ways at this kind of speed, would kevlar jeans be up to keeping my skin on my legs?

tl;dr: I fall off bike at 60 in kevlar jeans and slide to a halt. Do my legs survive?
Thanks for the info guys. I've ordered some of the Australia bikers gear jeans - found them on sale on-line for £65 yesterday, which seemed pretty bargain-tastic, so took the plunge. I don't think the rules let me mention the place, but there aren't exactly a million places on-line you can buy PC gear AND motorcycle clothing, so I suspect you can figure it out :)
Agreed, thanks Reppyboyo, glad to know they work in the real world as well as the tests :)

I'm curous about the heat generated though. Did/can you get burned from the friction (Or am I talking rubbish?)
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