key board on the new MBP

10 Jan 2009
im finding the quality of the keyboard on my new MBP 13inch rather tacky, the keys seem very flimsy and wobbly and a little flick of the finger could send a key flying, also the space bar is extremely loud when i click down on it, and very flimsy. also i need to really push in the caps lock button to get upper case letter and mOST oF THE tIME iT lOOKS lIKE tHIS.

just wondering if anyone else is having this problem? or should i be considering taking it back to the store?

maybe im nagging on little things but i dont really want my £1,300 investment to be put down on what i initially thought was one of the sturdiest and well built notebooks i have ever seen.
Yes it seems to be of pooer quality than previos macs. When I got home with mine one of the keys fell off. I took it back to the shop but they would not do anythng so I took it to the apple store and they said it was not covered by the warranty.
Yes it seems to be of pooer quality than previos macs. When I got home with mine one of the keys fell off. I took it back to the shop but they would not do anythng so I took it to the apple store and they said it was not covered by the warranty.

:eek: A key falling off is not covered by the warranty, how does that work? Is it similar to their dead pixel policy, a keyboard is OK as long as no more than 10 keys fall off? :D

I get the black dots optical illusion off of mine :o

Can't said I have an issue with the feel/quality.

Although my dinky old IBM ThinkPad X41 has an insanely solid / high quality feel to its keyboard (and the awesome TrackPoint!)
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If you just got the macbook then take it back to the Apple store and see what they can do sooner rather than later.

That being said, i got the aluminum macbook when it wasnt classed as the Pro and it is fantastic. No Issues with anything and the keyboard is great. Perhaps you got a dud and something is definatly a miss. :o
also i need to really push in the caps lock button to get upper case letter and mOST oF THE tIME iT lOOKS lIKE tHIS.

To press the caps lock key a little longer to enable it, is designed on purpose by Apple. For example, if you're typing fast and you accidently press both caps lock and A keys at the same time, caps lock will not be enabled. This feature may not be of benefit to some but it certainly helps me :p
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