keyboard problem...

25 Nov 2004
i have a basic logitech black keyboard...and when ever i'm playing games and i hold foward arrowe(fowards arrowe) and then try to crouch(ctrl) or reload(kps) it doesn't register i have to let go of the foward key it hasn't always done this only recently any ideas? :S
It's broken.

No, it could be a couple of things. If you have access to another keyboard (friend, relative, old one in cupboard), see if that does it. If it doesn't then the keyboard is probably faulty. It it does do it then either Windows keyboard drivers are a bit screwey (remove and reinstall from device manager), Logitech software (if installed) is a bit screwey (uninstall/reinstall), or the keyboard controller on your motherboard is screwed (replace board or try USB keyboard)
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