KFC has new fries

7 Mar 2005
The Voice Of Football
And they are pretty much like McDonald's. Same thickness but I think the oil used is different (or was dirty) as the taste wasn't the best.

I for one am delighted by this. KFC is my go to hangover cure and guilty pleasure but the fries were always rubbish. Now it's an almost perfect fast food meal and up there with the Big Tasty.

Still no In And Out Burger though.
See if Burger King had McDonalds fries, that'd be my perfect fast food place. Most people think I'm a heathen for saying that, but I just love thin crispy french fry style with loads of salt.
had KFC a couple of days ago and wasnt impressed with the new skinny fries.. bring back the old chips i say!
they seemed even thinner than McFries and were quite bland
I'm surprised no one else has yet managed to make fries like McDonalds. They have a very unique taste, which I believe is a flavouring used to mimic beef dripping.

I agree that KFC and BK fries are horrible. I have to force myself to eat them as they are just so bland. Usually don't bother with a meal as a result, so end up buying 2 burgers instead. I'll have a try of the new ones, although i doubt they are like McDonalds fries.
I used to love those big crispy fries you could get at BK, now I just don't really bother with any fast food.
I like KFC chips more. With Gravy... ahhhhh

I like McDo chips also. Burger king ones taste like they have been left on the floor over night before serving.
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I must be the only person who prefers KFC fries to BK or McD ones. I like that they are slightly bigger and usually less crisp. Always dipped in BBQ sauce though.
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