Kids in cinemas

15 Dec 2005
I saw Superman yesterday, and, quite frankly, it was ruined by kids & parents talking all the way through it :(

Surely people have a right to go to the cinema and expect the audience to be quiet, including mobiles turned off and kids kept quiet???? Is that an unreasonable thing to ask for? If you know your kids can't keep quiet & not scream in a cinema for 2 hours, then don't take them ffs!!!! Don't ruin it for everyone else!

mightynimrod said:
As i sais earlier, if you want to go and see a kids film, then expect kids and the associated behaviour to be there as well, if you don't want it - simple go early in the morning or late at night.

Don't blame the kids - they're just being kids and have a childhood to live.....blame yourself for lack of common sense.

You are making the assumption that everyone works a 9-5 and kids have no summer holidays!
iCraig said:
I never understand this..

Did you ask them to keep the noise down? Or did you just wait until you was back at your PC to talk about it.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've turned to someone and said

"excuse me mate, you couldn't just keep it down a bit?" and they've remained quiet the rest of the film. Or if they're sitting far away, shouting, throwing stuff, just asking a member of staff to see to them.

Why do people sit there and let the film get ruined, if you sit in silence and not let them know they're disturbing you, how do you expect them to pipe down?

That is a very good point, and something I would like to do, however, as pointed out by other users in this forum, if I did that, I would get a 10 minute lecture about how I don't know how to bring up their kids and ruin the film even more! :D

I remember on one occasion, some mum with her child was in the cinema, and the young kid kept crying. My GF & I kept turning round and tutting whenever it did, and the whole cinema joined in!! Poor lass, she was so embarrassed she ended up walking out! :D
mightynimrod said:
As said before......go to see a kids film, expect kids to be there and the bahaviour associated with a child.

Dead simple!

Which part of that can't you grasp????

Mind you, with that sort of mentaility i can see why.

Yeah, but Superman ain't really a kids film now, is it? Especially with a 12A rating....

I was actually quite suprised at the number of kids in the cinema tbh.
mightynimrod said:
You work 24/7 then?

I don't believe that you couldn't go when it's not "prime time" kiddy zone.

Sorry, just my opinion.

No, but some colleagues work 4am-2pm & thus are only able to catch the 3pm-6pm (aka kiddy time! :p ) shows due to requiring sleep! :D
mightynimrod said:
I think the problem here is:

a, Adults going to see a childs film

What's wrong with that????? :D

b, parenting skills keeping in mind other peoples enjoyment

Some people can be really good. Some many just don't give a ****! I guess some people just think that as long as they and their kids are ok, who cares about everyone else????? I realise that this isn't everyone though...

c, intolerance of adults without kids.

I think this comes down to individual situations...Outside, in restaurants, shopping centres, trains & planes etc., you expect kids to be there, and you expect that, sometimes, kids play up and make noise. That's not a problem. I wouldn't ever expect parents to put their lives on hold and never leave the house to bring up kids. But in a cinema, you are generally expected to sit down and be quiet. I don't believe that as a paying customer it is unreasonable to expect an atmosphere where I can enjoy the film, not listen to the constant jabbering of people (whether kids or adults).

There needs to be a compromise surely?
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