Kids playing games on OLED screen and walking off - how to make TV turn off?

13 May 2003
Hi all

We have an LG OLED 55CX in the sitting room hooked up to a Ryzen-based (in case it affects power options) HTPC, partly so the kids can play Lego games etc. on it.

With our previous B6, which we've just replaced, we suffered rather profound burn in / retention and colour degredation, making the set basically unwatchable for anything with green or yellow content, and I'm keen not to repeat this with the new set.

With that in mind, does anyone know of a way to make these TVs turn off / screen save / dim even when it's in an unpaused (or even paused it seems) game please?

The kids tend to walk off in the middle of a game and just leave it running, rather than save and quit.

They're young so there's realistically no reliable way I can persuade them to remember every time. Sometimes we might not spot it for hours if we're doing something else in a different part of the house, so I'd like to take away the having to check aspect.

Any brainy ideas gratefully received, thanks.
Thanks all.

I think the issue is that when they just walk off, there's nothing to trigger the TV to turn off, because there's still sound and motion from the game. Even if they do pause it, there are animated things in the menu etc.

Also as said above, it seems that it behaves differently over HDMI in terms of screensavers etc.

I guess I'll just have to be more disciplined with checking them manually. But thanks for the ideas.
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