Kill Brambles

3 Aug 2003
Plymouth, UK
Other than killing with fire and nuking from orbit, what is the best product for getting rid of brambles/blackberry bushes?

Have tried boxing stance but that just gets me weird looks from the neighbours and I am not going to pooh through my own letterbox. ....
Did order a 5l sprayer too so covered on that point. We have no animals in the house so sorted there....not sure about local cats though.....tbh not that worried about the lawn/grass as the garden is in an awful really needs ripping up and starting again, but isn't mine to do that to so will just kill off the brambles
Cool beans... show us some before and afters!

Try to spray them when there's little chance of rain. Also, not sure if it helped any but I gave some of the hardier victims a few doses a day or two apart... I was surprised at how much killing the ferns took!

Will do.....altough not sure on the less chance of rain.....especially down here. May chop off some of the new growth over this weekend so that they uptake the killer fully
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