KillerNIC Card

22 Jun 2006
Have a read here guys:
and here:


Not a bad idea but am sure it will put a large hole in your pocket
There seems to be a trend lately to call something a 'gaming' product and sell it for a huge markup. Not saying that this is a good/bad product but it follows the trend.

Any benchmark comparisons?
I regularly get sub-10ms pings to British servers with my onboard NIC through a cheap home cable router even in games that push my aging system to the limit. I can't imagine anyone with half a brain will fall for this.

Falls squarely in the Ageia/X-Fi Fatality/Quad SLI redundancy bin...
I really cant see how network services etc require anything like 64MB , and the whole product looks like its a marketing man's dream, just put RAM on anything and it should be branded "Killer" or some such

Anyone for a mouse with 128MB onboard?
to be honest it would really only help you with LAN gaming if even that. Online gaming, it would be no use for as your ping depends on your ISP connection i always thought.
Yeah ISP, number of hops to server, speed of all the links between the hops, etc, etc. Your NIC is only one part in a big chain and I think probably the least likely to effect ping seeing as though (as someone as has already mentioned) even the cheapy onboard ethernet controllers do the job fine.

Maybe it could help with having hundreds of simultaneous bittorrent connections?
still wouldnt matter, Bit Torrent isn't really affected by the NIC, as long as you have a good connection and loads of seeders, your file/s will download fine. As you said yourself, the NIC is just a single component in the chain.
I would have thought with multicore CPU's the small amount of CPU overhead of the average nic would be so low as to have no effect on gaming.
I get great pings on css, hardly ever drops below 20 with my netgear wifi router, so I have no need for a seperate nic :p

My ping is usually in the fifties on unreal tournament 2004, but its no less smooth than singleplayer :)
I think you will always be limited by any other compnent but the network card :confused:

The only advantage it might have is to offload the CPU a bit but I doubt the CPU usage will be that big when gaming online.
Ender said:
maybe its for all those hardcore elite gamers with 28.8k modems :D

Who presumably connect through a modem, rather than a network card?

This product is nonsense, but unfortunately a lot of people are going to fall for it.

Edit: Temtped to get one to voltmod/overclock :)
What tosh. You could have an ISA 10Mbit adapter and still it wouldn't affect ping.. it's all down to the ISP/traffic :/
Dutch Guy said:
The only advantage it might have is to offload the CPU a bit but I doubt the CPU usage will be that big when gaming online.
Nah, the old 3Com 905C's could offload anyway, and they're like £5 now. :)

This "KillerNIC" is limited by the PCI bus too, onboard ones aren't giving them an advantage.
mcc49 said:
love how they market that 'ping throttle' feature, so totally useless...

Yeah. And the fact is, that's been possible via software since the 90s. Even Quakeworld, a game released in 1996, has been updated with the ability to increase client ping through use of a proxy should the need arise to ensure fairer playing conditions.
Three words...

Waste of money..

TCP offload which is what this card claims to do using its onboard processor only comes into play when transfering very large files. Games dont produce anywhere near that much bandwidth over an internet connection.
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