Kindle Fire HD 10 7th

31 May 2007
Hi all,

I am looking for a replacement of a Kindle Fire HD10 7th edition.

Ideally it has to be an exact replacement, like for like, as it's for a family member suffering from dementia, and she would be unable to cope with something new or something that's slightly different.

I'm planning on setting the device up with the same aps and settings as her current Fire, so hopefully she'll never even know it's been changed.

I'm struggling to find an exact replacement, I've found a few on eBay, but they are the model with ads and I would need to get them removed, would this still be possible considering how old they are now?

The reason it needs replacing is the device will only charge if the cable is inserted in a certain way and held in position, not something a 90 year old lady has the patience for!

Thanks everyone.
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