Kit for riding in heat

16 Feb 2004

I've got another bike holiday coming up, 2 weeks touring over the Pyrenees. Last year I did the alps mid summer and the heat was crazy, hitting 30-35c some days. I simply couldn't wear much protective gear and ended up riding most of the holiday in trainers and normal jeans.

Anyone got recommendations for hot summer kit? the only think I currently have that works is a light jacket with mesh patches in it and light summer gloves.
Other than that man up and enjoy the holiday :)

aha yeah the biker police out there where just riding around with open helments and short sleeve shirts on, zero protective clothing. Other brits where just sweating buckets in their leathers and looking like they where hating it.
bike shops really, there's a few in London to work out sizes, then you can order the same stuff online :p
cool Infinity have a clearance weekend sale on 28/29th June. Use code JUNE10 at checkout for another £10 off.
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