Kit Lens or Not with 30D ?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Off to get the 30D today or tomorrow, wondering if I should get the kit lens just for the focal range it provide 18-55mm. I already have a 50mm and 28-105 mkII.
Mr_Sukebe said:
My personal opinion is no, but then I don't know your financial situation.
For a 30D, I'd suggest the Tamron 17-50, rated by a LOT of people on the FM Forums as being better than the Canon 17-40L for picture quality, yet half the price. Having said that, it's still twice the cost of the 18-55.

Can't really afford £270 for the Tamron lens at the moment, the Kit Lens package is about £50 more than the body alone price.
actually, I don't think i'll be getting the camera today, turns out Canon is starting to give £100 cash back for the 30D for cameras bought between 1st November to 31st January. If i can hold off 5 more days i can save myself £100 !
MarcLister said:
I can understand that you're using a competitor but from what you said Canon are giving £100 rebate which means that Canon surely have a website to promote this. When Canon did the 350D rebate last year they set a website up for this purpose. The only Canon site I've found has the rebates for accessories info on it.

I got the info from a retailer, it doesn't start yet so there isn't a website. Hopefully everything will be clearer next week.
MarcLister said:
Ah right. Cheers. So there is no website because the rebate offer hasn't officially started?

Pretty much, the retailer i called are actually being naughty by post dating any reciept for the purchase to 1st November so the customer will be eligible for the rebate offer.
The question is not whether the lens is worth the money, I know it isn't. The question is whether the lens will be useful (for however briefly) for its 18mm (or abour 28mm in reality) for 1 day shoot on a wedding shoot. I'll be using the 50mm priime mostly but just wondering if the 18-55 is usefly to have for its range not its quality.
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