
18 Oct 2002
Following on from my other thread, she's taken a liking to the computer chair now so obviously i took advantage :D

Picture was taken on the auto setting with the flash bounced with my home made diffuser which involves some kitchen foil + bluetac :D

C+C welcome :)


It's hard getting this bloomin camera to focus on the right part of her body as i think this one is aimed at her leg as aposed to her face :(
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Sp00n said:
It's hard getting this bloomin camera to focus on the right part of her body as i think this one is aimed at her leg as aposed to her face :(

Nice pic.

I've had the same problem getting my grey cat in focus, she just seems to defy AF systems on any camera.
Very nice pic!... :cool:

I like the out stretched Paw... adds depth!.

Mine never stay still long enough for me to get any decent Photos... just 'snaps' :(
Yea i think she was pretty tired and was drifting in and out of sleep so i was lucky to get a snap :D
Nice capture. The cat's attitude really comes across. I'd crop the top half up to just above his ear, as it doesnt really add anything.
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