.kkrieger FPS - the future of PC Games?

9 Nov 2004
stumbled across this today, its called .kkrieger and made by a group called .theprodukkt

it's a first person shooter that is remarkably only 96kb in size.
the entire game is proceedurely generated (much like the game Spore will be).

the game is still in its early Beta stages, but they've got a demo up.
it's nothing riviting to play, and really isn't something you will want to play over and over... but the idea behind the compression of what proceedurely generated games can offer is superb.

this game that is only 96kb in size, would normally be around 200-300mb if made in traditional methods.

click here to download the demo

click here for official website



remarkable how you can get all the lighting and textures, audio and gameplay down to a single 96kb EXE file.
How the size is achieved

.kkrieger makes extensive use of procedural generation methods: Textures are stored via their creation history instead on a per-pixel basis, thus only requiring the history data (possibly as low as ~300 bytes per texture at any resolution) and the generator code to be compiled into the executable, producing a relatively small file size. Meshes are created from basic solids such as boxes and cylinders, which are then deformed to achieve the desired shape - essentially a special way of box modeling. These two generation processes explain the extensive loading time of the game - all assets of the gameplay are reproduced during the loading phase.

The game music and sounds are produced by a multifunctional synthesizer called V2, which is fed a continuous stream of MIDI data. The synthesizer then produces the music in realtime.

this is werkkzeug - the tool they developed and use to make the game proceedurely generated.

it seems that you can import images from external sources and it will generate the code for it to be implemented into the game... from what i can tell anyway.
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