KM 5D vs Canon 350D

3 Jan 2003
Guys has anyone used both cameras? if so I would be interested in your thoughts on them...

I looked on the net and both cameras get very good reviews.
Most reviews seem to complain that 350D is uncomfortable to hold.
then there's the 350D 8mp vs the KM 5D 6.1mp

I only held the 350D for a couple of days, but it felt great!

Initially I held it with kid gloves what with all the buttons and so on. Its very light and a joy to snap away with.
Having said that, its the only dSLR I've really held, but I certainly wouldnt say it was uncomfortable.
Why not visit the local camera shop and ask for a feel?
the 350D is pretty small and if using it with a big lens it can feel a bit odd. My 24-105 L has a 77mm thread and looking at the camera head on it completely obscures the body.

If you have issues with the size get the grip
The other option to the 350D is the 20D and with the 30D coming out these will drop in price, as handling wise they are a lot better than the 350D.

loved the 350D, have the grip on it now and it's a little large but the handly is great, esp for portrait rotation so it's staying on
very versatile camera
DizMatt said:
loved the 350D, have the grip on it now and it's a little large but the handly is great, esp for portrait rotation so it's staying on
very versatile camera

lol the gripped 350D is far from large :p

Unless you're used to larger/you're using large lenses, the 350D is fine :)

Whilst it's easy to look at the specs of camera bodies, and also their functionality, chances are that any DSLR body presently sold is going to have a pretty limited lifespan before you replace it. In comparison, lenses will have a CONSIDERABLY longer lifespan and in some ways are more important than the body for absolute picture quality.

I'd like to suggest that you can a scan around at likely lens choices before worrying too much about the body.
rG-tom said:
lol the gripped 350D is far from large :p

Unless you're used to larger/you're using large lenses, the 350D is fine :)

Even with the 70-200 L on the 350D and grip, it's not small in any way and i get on with mine fine ;)
cheers for the replies guys, I will have a look at the cameras in the local shop this week.

One thing that is plus point for km5d is the anti-shake built into the body of the camera..

I am using a KM 5D as I had some lenses which would have costed a fair bit to replace and I already spent money on replacement film bodies for my elderly 7000.

The functions are well laid out, and it does feel good in my hand, even if I put a heavy 70-210 f4 lens or a heavier 75-300mm f4-5.6 lens. The anti shake lets me take shots hand held down to about 1/20 for a 75-300 lens @300mm, f/5.6.

Of course...Canon have a humungous selection of lenses. Perhaps you should go to your local camera dealers and hold both the KM 5D and the 350D and then see which one you prefer to use.

If you like I could post some pics on here from my 5D.

Just a few things I thought I'll throw in for you :)
Gamefreak501 said:
I am using a KM 5D as I had some lenses which would have costed a fair bit to replace and I already spent money on replacement film bodies for my elderly 7000.

The functions are well laid out, and it does feel good in my hand, even if I put a heavy 70-210 f4 lens or a heavier 75-300mm f4-5.6 lens. The anti shake lets me take shots hand held down to about 1/20 for a 75-300 lens @300mm, f/5.6.

Of course...Canon have a humungous selection of lenses. Perhaps you should go to your local camera dealers and hold both the KM 5D and the 350D and then see which one you prefer to use.

If you like I could post some pics on here from my 5D.

Just a few things I thought I'll throw in for you :)

Yeah I would be interested in seeing some of your pics, you mention your able to take shots with your 75-300 lens at 1/20... what if you turn antishake off?

Another question for the canon guys, can the 350D map out hot pixels? this is something the km5d can do.

rG-tom said:
lol the gripped 350D is far from large :p

Unless you're used to larger/you're using large lenses, the 350D is fine :)


tried a 100-400 L IS or something of the ilk on my 350D
it was like holding a bazooka!
the largest lens I have is 100-300 USM
not even into the midrange of cannon Canon's!
topher said:
Yeah I would be interested in seeing some of your pics, you mention your able to take shots with your 75-300 lens at 1/20... what if you turn antishake off?

Another question for the canon guys, can the 350D map out hot pixels? this is something the km5d can do.


Hi there, here are some pics you may be interested in. I used high ISOs on them, and the EXIF is embedded:

Anti Shake Off

Anti-Shake On

Each taken with my 75-300 uber slow lens!

Anti Shake Off

Anti Shake On

Taken with my f4 70-210mm @ 210mm. 1/15. Exif should be embedded. Excuse the slantiness...kind of rushed these shots!

I hope this helps!
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