I've started getting twinges in my knees, I have adjusted my seat higher but it doesn't seem to have helped, could it be my seat still isn't high enough?
Where about in the knees are you getting the discomfort? Front, back, outsides, insides?
As Solid says, could be any huge manner or combination of things.
We certainly be able to help you with advice from past experiences on this forum but it would never be definitive or a viable solution compared a professional bike fit.
Pain in back of knees typically from saddle too high.
Pain in inside of knees typically from saddle too low or cleat position putting heel out.
Pain in outside of knees typically from cleat position pointing heels inwards or again from saddle height too low also.
Remember everyone is different so symptoms can lead to different causes etc etc. Just trying to give you some info as a basis.
Getting your saddle height correct is the main starter.
Cleats wise I always recommend to people to move cleats very far back, or even as far back as they go on your shoes and tighten them up as equal/neutral as you can and work from there. Get a tape measure and some electrical tape and mark them up exactly the same on the bottom and get the cleats as smack bang neutral on each shoe as possible and then make your tiny adjustments over time from there.
Another thing to consider is cleat float. Most people I hear with problems personally have cleats with the max float (red shimano and red Keo's with like 12 degree's). Most to me seem to go with these silly amount of float cleats because there cleat positions are bad so this gives them more movement in the shoe for comfort. It's just causing more issues. so I'd always recommend the yellow shimano/grey Keo cleats again as they are the mid float and concentrate on getting cleat position dialled nicely for how you ride.