Knocked Off My Bike Last Night - What Do I Need To Do?

12 Feb 2011
Middle Earth
Morning all,

On the way home last night, happily going along a straight road with clear right of way and then a driver pulls out on me and knocks me flying off my bike. I was doing around 25-30 and he pulled out on me doing 5-10. He's already admitted fault, his details and mine have been taken by the police as well as a few witnesses who saw it all too.

I went to a&e and have thankfully been discharged with no damage other than brusing to my left hand side, mainly to the left of my lower back being tender, my shoulder feeling a little tight and a graze on my lower left leg. A&E Doctor said just to get plenty of rest and report back if I get any problems.

The police have recovered my bike and have said they will contact me later today to discuss thinigs further. Havn't actually seen what damage has been caused to the bike yet as I was advised not to move and was flat on my back for a few hours.

So what do I need to do now and what happens next?

I imagine it's speak to the police, speak to his insurance? Do I need to inform my insurance of anything?

I'm assuming although it wasn't hit I'd be advised to get a new helmet?

Inform your insurance.
Keep chasing the police and have the bike recovered to your house as soon as possible before the storage charges rack up.
Inspect every inch of your riding gear for marks, add it all to the list for replacement when dealing with his insurance company.
Take it easy, your going to seize up a bit over the next few days.
Might be worth documenting your bruising etc as there's a good chance bits of you will be a funny colour over Christmas :D
Inform your insurance asap and as Foghorn has said inspect all your gear as some of it will be damaged. As for getting the bike recovered, the insurance company will take care of that and pay the charges especially if it is a non fault claim.Glad your ok.
Get yourself some deep heat, or some tiger balm. Those bruises are going to hurt. Being knocked off sucks.

If your helmet made contact with anything: car, road, bike, random wing mirror, you should make sure its on the claim and get it replaced.

Your bike will get assessed, and then either taken for repair, or they'll do a write-off and offer you an amount of money.
If that happens come back here as there's lots of advice in this forum about how to make sure you don't get stiffed on the amount.
If taken for repair, if you're unsure about anything - get them to recheck it and put it in writing.
Assuming the bike's a write off, the next obvious thing to do is start looking at what bike you want next!

Glad you're ok.
Not even seen the bike since the accident. Spent the best part of three hours looking at either the sky, an ambulance roof or the ceiling in a&e. My god it was an experience when I sat up again, knocked me a bit sick and felt uneasy/dizzy. All good after a while though.

Police phoned and gave me his name, car registration details and his insurance details. Spent two hours on the phone to my insurers and a solicitor regarding a possible injury claim (not sure how I feel about this at the moment).

Only things that need to be claimed are for the bike and either a repair or replacement (not seen it so no idea if it needs writing off) and I ripped the two pairs of bottoms I was wearing and my helmet as I'm not sure if it's taken an impact and I've rather not risk using it again if I can help it. There's no clear sign of damage to it but then I do remember knocking it a little when I was lay down on the floor before taking it off. Will also be claiming for loss of earnings as I've taken today off as sick and will also be taking Friday off too (Thursday is my day off anyway).

Thanks for the well wishes so far and the advice too, will update the thread as things proceed. Hoping that as he's already admitted fault both to myself and the police that it should be fairly straight forward.

Am I right to assume that his insurers will phone me in good time to discuss the bike being repaired / replaced / written off and is it them who will take details of damage to my helmet, backpack and trousers too as my own insurer didn't ask anything in that regard?
Assuming the bike's a write off, the next obvious thing to do is start looking at what bike you want next!

Glad you're ok.

I've already had a quick look but will see what the insurers say over the next week or so when they've had a chance to take a look themselves and decide on what they want / are willing to do next.
So a bit of an update.....

My bike was written off and I was given a little bit more than what I paid for it bizarrely which is a bonus I guess.

Had a medical three weeks ago regarding my injuries and had to fill in a loss report for time off work / damaged gear.

How long should it take realistically between them recieving my medical and injury loss report before they make an offer for personal injury?

It's been three weeks now and I'm not sure if it should be already done or if it usually takes longer than this. The bike being written off took just over a month and was a fairly simple process with all fault being admitted by the third party already.
From my experience it takes ages !
I was knocked off last April, still ongoing now ( insurance has paid out for bike and leathers + lid )
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