Knowing when to change from a job you enjoy?

19 Jun 2021

Long time lurker here, but thought i'd ask some advice :) I've been in the same job now for 12+ years, decent pay and honestly pretty stress free life. So why on earth would I risk making that worse by moving jobs!?

Thinking deep, I'm not sure it feels a challenge any more and while I could easily just continue the rest of my working life being pretty comfortable and enjoying it to a point, it would be at the cost of not really being pushed or feeling the need to develop (can't progress more there). If I was to change, stress/pressure will probably increase but at probably close 50-80% more pay. I'm lucky this would not be a money motivated decision, to a point - but that would obviously be a nice boost.

Anyone got any advice? Have you stayed in the same job for life and regretted it? Should you change just for the sake of change and not doing the same thing forever? Should you just chase the money and retire sooner? Is it really worth the risk of not enjoying a new job when you were fairly well set previously?

It's such a difficult decision!
Thanks for all the replies, some really helpful points. I think from what's been said the fact I'm asking the question means it's probably sensible to properly look at options.

At 12 years you probably know not just a heck of a lot about your role but about the organisation in general, other roles etc.. and are a well-known person perhaps you should be given more say in how things are run, if that's applicable or a possibility.

One thing that bothers me, is losing that. You're totally right after that long you've got great relationships and are very effective. A change obviously means starting from scratch, dropping to that unknown newbie. But if it gets boring, it gets boring.You mention taking on more responsibility etc, not an option sadly, basically gone as far as I can go in the company.

One thing I would say is I've never regretted leaving a job, but have regretting staying in the same job too long.

Thanks, that's my concern, I think I'm probably at a career mid-point, and I either move now or stick with it for good. I worry that in 30 years I would look back and regret not getting all the extra (currently unneeded) dosh, meeting new people etc. But it could just as easily go the other way, it would be much easier if for example I didn't like it rather than just becoming less challenging.

How old are you? How near retirement are you?
36, so essentially 1 job since Uni and been lucky it worked out well and progressed well etc.
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